freestanding aluminum and plexiglass sculpture with sound and LED display;

110 X 225 X 50 (deep) cm. and 120 X 205 X 50 (deep) cm.

sound by John Kamevaar

The viewer does not interact directly with Flo'nGlo; the primary exchange is between the two sculptural characters. This turns the tables on the idea that technology relentlessly and increasingly mediates human exchange: humans also mediate its exchanges.

Flo and Glo are dependent on each other to keep their communication going: when Flo loses its rhythm Glo sends it a target derived through its "swarm optimization" algorithm, and relaunches it. The virtual population of this algorithm is actually working cooperatively toward a solution, in the background, but the visible cooperation is between Flo and Glo.

This is v1, v2 forthcoming.

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